Prolazeći preko mosta na Južnoj Moravi, ugledala sam ovo divno mesto za slikanje i odmah zamislila kako će izgledati moj sledeći post...ali kako stići dole?!
Nisam dugo razmišljala o tome, jer je moj tata našao rešenje, probaćemo pa kako bude ;)!
I pronašli smo put, ali nismo dalje mogli je bilo "malo" naporno, ali moji roditelji su toliko divni, da njima ništa nije bilo teško :)!!!
I tako smo se našli na sredini reke...
*Marija* |
Going over the bridge on the South Morava river, I saw this wonderful place for shooting and immediately imagined what would be my next post ... but how to get down?
I have not thought about it, because my dad found a solution, we will try ;)!
And we found a road, but we could not reach by car ... it was a "little" difficult, but my parents are so wonderful, to them nothing was difficult :)!!!
And so we find ourselves in the middle of the river...
*Marija* |
Jumpsuit: handmade; Shoes: Safran; Bag: Zara; Sunglasses: Mediso; Belt: Stradivarius; China scarf |
My mom's silver earrings and necklace |
Photographer: my mom |