

U jednom od prethodnih postova pričala sam vam o svojoj najboljoj drugarici, kako se nismo videle šest meseci,
i o tome kako smo provele par predivnih dana... Neočekivano se sve ponovilo :)! I opet je trajalo kratko,
ali smo maksimalno iskoristile vreme za druženje, ispijanje kafa, uz to neizbežno "tračarenje", šetnju, fotkanje,...
ma bilo nam je divno!!!
Hvala i predivnoj Brani, koja nam je u svom postu Bon appetit dala predlog za jedno čarobno mesto,
sa terasnom u mediteranskom duhu, koje se zove Podrum, a za koje, moram priznati, nisam do sad znala ;)!
In one of the earlier posts I told you about my best friend, with whom I have not seen for six months, 
and how we spent a couple of beautiful days... Unexpectedly, all happened again ;)! And again it took a while,
but we used the maximum time for socializing, drinking coffee, invariably "gossiping", walking, shooting,...
it was wonderful!!!
Thanks a wonderful Brana, who  put a proposal for one magical place in her post Bon Appetit
which is called the Podrum, with mediterranean spirit terrace,... and I must admit that I didn't know for this place before ;)!
Shirt: Stradivarius; Pants: Stradivarius; Shoes: Julia; Bag and Scarf: no name; Watch: Aldo
Floral hairpins: Terranova; Sunglasses: Accessorize
Photographer: Amiga mia


Green, Green Grass of Home

Mislim da naslov sve govori, tako da ja neću ništa da objašnjavam ;)!
Samo ću reći to da je za ovu divnu travnu površinu zadužen moj tata!
The title says it all, so I do not want explain anything ;)!
I'll just say that my dad is charge for this beautiful grassland!
My mom's dress; Boots: Zara
Photographer: my mom


The Quay

Ovaj vikend sam provela u svom rodnom gradu, maksimalno iskoristila ovo lepo vreme i uživala sa dragim osobama!
Sa Lolom, koju znate iz ranijih postova, uvek je zanimljivo i uzbudljivo ;)!
This weekend I spent in my hometown, used this great weather and enjoyed with loved ones!
With Lola, you know her from earlier posts, is always interesting and exciting ;)!
Dress: no name; Denim vest: made by myself; Boots: Zara: Bag: Tally Weijl; Sunglasses: Six
Photographer: Nevena (Lola's Mom)


Golubac Fortress

Na mestu gde je Dunav najširi, priroda najzelenija, a magija najjača, smeštena je Golubačka tvrđava, koju sam posetila u nedelju... i bilo je predivno!
Dunav na ovom mestu dostiže najveću širinu u svom toku, što je zaista očaravajuće... i preporučujem svima da posete ovaj kraj ;)!
Da ne bih ja dužila, pogledajte sajt Golubca, a tamo možete naći puno zanimljivih mesta za uživanje!!
Where the Danube is the widest, where nature is the greenest and where magic is the strongest, there is Golubac Fortress situated...
which I visited on Sunday... and it was wonderful!
At this point Danube reaches a maximum width in its flow, which is really fascinating... I recommend everyone to visit this place ;)! 
Here is the site of Golubac, and there you can find lots of interesting places to enjoy!

Shirt: Terranova; Shorts: Zara; Belt: Bershka; Shoes: Zara;
Photographer: <3 <3 <3


Saturday Morning

Stvarno ne znam šta bih vam pisala u ovom postu....nisam nešto inspirisana, a i prehlađena sam...!
...evo par sličica današnjeg outfita ;)!
I really don't know what I wrote in this post .... I am not inspired, and I have a cold ...!
...here are some pictures of today's outfits ;)

Pants: Zara; T-shirt: Time Out; Shoes: no name; Scarf: Stradivarius; Sunglasses: Mediso
Bag: no name; Pendant: Furla; Watch: DKNY; Bracelet: Aldo
Photographer: <3 <3 <3


In The Night Air...

Moram priznati da baš i ne volim noćno fotografisanje! Slike nikada nisu tako lepe kao preko dana... Ali ponekad je i to potrebno ;)!
Ovog puta sam želela da vam pokažem moje lanene pantalonice. Verovatno ste do sada zapazili da u većini slučajeva na sebi imam bar jednu handmade stvarčicu...
Mnogi ljudi imaju problema sa šnajderima, uglavnom se ne razumeju baš najbolje, potrebno je objašnjavati po nekoliko puta,
a i tada ne ispadne onako kako ste zamislili....
To nije moj slučaj, jer moja divna šnajderka kao da čita moje misli ;)! Uvek sam prezadovoljna onim što uradi i zbog toga sam stalno inspirisana novim idejama :)!
Nadam se da vam se dopada...
I must admit I do not really like night photography! Night pictures are never good, such as during the day... but sometimes that is necessary ;)!
This time I wanted to show you my linen pants. You've probably noticed by now that in most cases I have at least one handmade stuff...
Many people have problems with tailores, generally do not understand very well, it is necessary to explain several times,
and even then not drop the way you want.
This is not my case, because my wonderful tailor read my minds ;)! I am always satisfied with her work, and because of that I am constantly inspired by new ideas :)!
I hope you like it...
Shorts: handmade; Top: Terranova; Shoes: Bata; Bag: no name; Watch: Pilgrim; Necklace: made by myself
Photographer: <3 <3 <3